Every moment of every day, There’s the Yoga practice. (the hour or so we’re on the mat) and there’s the application of that practice that happens throughout the other 23 hours of the day. At this point Yoga is completely interwoven into the fabric of my life- it’s up there with eating and sleeping. Yoga helps bring me-my body, my mind, my breath and my emotions- back into balance.
Q. Why do you Teach?
Teaching others is an honor and an privilege. As yoga teachers, we truly have the capacity to help shape and shift others’ lives. I don’t take that for granted.

Q. How would you describe your approach to the yoga practice?
Dynamic, Intelligently and artfully sequenced, alignment-oriented Vinyasa.
I have always pushed boundaries; always been a dreamer , a mover, an artist and creator- for me Yoga is just an extension of all those things. I’ve been practicing Yoga for almost 30 years, teaching for 20. Creating and designing a new class is not much different to creating a new work of art. It requires real focus, and I become completely absorbed with the task at hand.

“Its exciting to think that some of our fans might be inspired to investigate yoga for themselves based on hearing about our experience. We would like to thanks everyone of our teachers, most dearly our private instructor, Chad Dennis. Chad has been teaching us for more than 5 years. He has taught us so much about the practice of yoga and how to apply it to our lives, both on and off the mat. Namaste.”

“Chad changed the way I approached my practice and after a very long hiatus, got be back to the mat. I’m profoundly grateful to him. He’s a master at intelligently aligned sequences. Everything is methodical and intended to help us get deeper into the pose, ourselves and the practice.”

“I’m in the desert shooting a film for Buick with Chad Dennis, who is showing me some yoga sequences. I just started it. I feel like I’ve been traveling so much, and I work really hard, and with jet lag and everything, yoga helps me unwind, and it helps my soul and my mind. To me, being happy — if I had to break it down — it would be to feel comfortable.”